Thursday, August 26, 2010

My scrpt for the Value education play

Youth as instruments of dialogue for a greener planet
Shaayak- young Greenpeace representative
Parth-Head of construction
Keenaj- Child
Zahaan-Construction worker
Aditya J-Construction Worker
Dhruv-PMC Concierge
Yash-Court Announcer

                         ACT 1
Not so long ago, there were four children named Keenaj, Rishabh, Adit and Karan .They were from Nepean Sea Road, a posh district in Mumbai. They were the best of friends and even though they were really rich they weren’t spoilt. They all played in a beautiful public park which had a large amount of trees and was the perfect place for playing hide and seek. In May when their summer holidays had begun and they had gone to their vacation spots, builders of Parth Mody Constructions Pvt. Ltd decided to use the park area for a new skyscraper.
        (enter Parth, Zahaan and Aditya J )
Mr. Parth had sent his best workers to inspect the location.
 Parth: Go and check the area and report whether it is fit for construction.                          
all workers in chorus: Yes sir!
                            ACT 2
(enter all the children)
After returning from their holidays the children visit the park and notice the workers . They think the workers are just visiting.
Keenaj : “Good evening uncle.”
Rishabh: “Aren’t you from the famous Parth Mody Constructions?”
Zahaan: “Yes.”
Adit: Wow, Mr. Parth is so cool, I’ve always wanted to meet him.
Karan : Lets play football!
They begin to kick the ball around when the workers stop them from playing and throw the ball away.
Keenaj: “Why did you do that uncle?”
Aditya: “This is our land, you are not permitted to play here”
The children are devastated after hearing that they could not play in their own garden anymore and go to their friend Shaayak who had just finished studying law in college
        (enter Shaayak)
Rishabh: “Hey Shaayak can you help us with this problem”
Shaayak: “Sure, what is it?”
Adit: “Some people from PMC are trying to take our park and they won’t allow us to play”
When Shaayak was small he too had played in that park and he was reminded of those memories and decided that he would help save this park
Shaayak : Okay I will try to save our park
                        ACT 3
When the children are going back home they notice that the workers are cutting trees and taking out the grass .They try to stop them but fail.
Karan : How can they do this to us!
All of them discuss this incident agitatedly…
Rishabh: We can’t do anything about it; just thinking about all those dead plants makes me feel ill
Adit: Rishabh you are wrong. We can do something about it, we just have to try.
Keenaj: I have an idea. Lets stage a protest against them. If we continuously pester them, finally they might give in
Rishabh: What an idea! Sirji
                                ACT 4
The next day the children had made posters, given out flyers, told the people about the garden with interest and were protesting in front of the garden while in PMC, something else was going on.
                          (enter Dhruv)
Shaayak: I want to meet Mr. Parth
Dhruv: I am sorry he is taking a nap right now. Please contact him later
Shaayak: I need to meet him now ,it is very urgent
Dhruv: I shall ask him
Shaayak is granted permission and he enters
Parth: What brings you here Mr. Shaayak
Shaayak: Mr. Parth I have come to inform you that you must not build a skyscraper in the garden as it is the only place on Nepean sea road with lots of trees and is a place of scenic beauty. It also helps in keeping the climate cool.
Parth: Ha Ha Ha! Surely, you are joking Mr. Shaayak. Why should I stop the construction of the greatest skyscraper in the world just for a small garden.
Shaayak: You will face the consequences sooner or later Mr. Parth
Shaayak leaves the office seething with anger at Mr. Parth’s lax attitude

                            ACT 5
Shaayak went to court and filed a case against Mr. Parth
Having passed recently he was eligible to be the children’s attorney for the case.
Shaayak studied the case searching for flaws until finally he found one. The court was in session and a lot of the Nepean Sea Road population arrived.
Yash: All rise as the judge enters
Rahil: Silence in the court, Mr. Shaayak begin
Shaayak: Your honour I have come here to fight for the children of Nepean Sea Road and I would like to state that if the PMC builds this skyscraper there will be no garden left in Nepean sea road therefore leaving the children with nowhere to play and old people with nowhere to walk. That’s all your honour. 
Rahil: Any Questions? You may now speak Mr. Parth
Parth: Your honour this building will give Mumbai unimaginable glory and take architecture to new heights. It would be a grave mistake to stop and I think the people of Nepean sea road would agree. That’s all your honour.
Rahil: Any Questions?
Shaayak: Yes your honour
Rahil: Raise your Questions Mr.Shaayak
Shaayak: Speaking of the people of Nepean Sea Road, may I see the permit that you have taken from the Nepean sea road society Mr. Parth?
Parth: Which permit! What permit? There was no permit
Shaayak: Your honour, it is compulsory to have a permit from the head of the society to build in the society
Rahil: Mr Parth you have breached our code of law therefore you are now going to be put in custody. The garden will stay. Case Closed.
All the children: Yay!
And so Shaayak and the children saved the day and protected the environment.

                                THE END

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice! Maybe you could try a smaller font next time ?