Saturday, March 24, 2007

Description of a dustbin

This is a dustbin. People don't use it much but it is a tribute to cleanliness. People used to love using dustbins in the 19th and the 20th century but now dustbins are history. Nobody remembers them sometimes even me !

People just chuck garbage on the roads. It's mainly in India - the poor people eat from garbage bins and rich people throw everything dirty on to the road. Nobody cares about using dustbins. Dustbins are meant for clean and green cities. People throw away everything on the road and the road has to take all the effort to take the dirt to the dustbins. Sometimes it is impossible.

Many people have set up anti-dirt clubs but it's useless. A dustbin is meant for throwing of garbage but people don't listen. It's very sad.


Anonymous said...

More power to dustbins!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful ! You made the dustbin come alive

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. I really wonder does'nt anyone think of the poor BMC cleaners who meticulously sweep everything away and are they not human beings too who have to deal with someone else's dirt.
Kudos to them.

Anonymous said...
