Thursday, November 23, 2006

My incredible week continues


I reached school today and found a giant standing at the front door. He was about 7 feet tall. "Hi! Iam the new boy in this school, " he said. "This is my first day."I could not believe it! I told him....

"Don't worry, I'll take you to the school captain. He'll say whether he can take you in or you will have to go to another school". He said "No!!! I have eaten up the captain, prinicpal and and all the children. I saved the naughtiest one - You !!!"I sighed and said "Can I teach you the 2nd std. subjects". He said "Yes. I have done Std 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. I only need to finish Std 2." "Fine", I said. He was a slow person and took 1 hour for each subject. 6 subjects so 6 hours !


Today all the pictures we drew in art class came to life. Miss drew an airplane and it flew around the room. Then Shinchan drew a palace and there was a magnificent palace in the classroom. Doreamon drew a cat and there was a cat too.

Then our Miss whispered something under her breath and all the pictures came back on the pages. All of us looked glum. Then she showed us how to cross the road etc.. which was fun again


A weekend at last !!! I stepped into the garden to relax. Suddenly a spaceship landed right in front of me. An alien with eyes as big as basketballs came out. “Iam hungry,” he said. “I have come to your planet in search of books to eat”.“Books are not food,” I said. “That’s the craziest thing I ever heard,” said the alien. “ I love a good book! Right now I am craving or a big fat science book”. He started walking…to the bookshelf. Luckily I had left my science books in school. I said “Text books are even tastier”. How about a nice Hindi book or an English literature book?”. “Ok” he said. He gobbled up both in about 63 seconds. Of course the sad robot came to my rescue. He said “ Please take me. I cannot cook but I can save you from danger”. So now he protects me.


Anonymous said...

Waiting for your next post.

Anonymous said...

Since you aren't posting any more, you might as well go and play Yeti & Penguin.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting.....